Office was shifted to Society's New Building "BELAKU" at No 43 Railway Parallel Road, Kumara Park(West), Bangalore-20 on 1st September 2019.
News in Brief
We abruptly stopped all works at all layouts because of continued pandemic threat, unusual & intermittent rains and shortage of labors. We had never thought of this much of disruption which derailed the entire progress.
We have restarted the works at all projects
GFG 4 & 5:
• Prior to 2015 we were able procure, develop ,allot and register nearly 10000 sites Sites are used to be released progressively as 40%, 30% and 30% depending on progress of works
• An Amendment to Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act on 15-09-2015 making release of sites only after completion of all development works including power distribution and supply shut a door on all housing projects of all cooperative societies and crippled their progress. While all development works like formation of roads with asphalting, Over Head Tank for water supply , Sewage Treatment Plant with under ground drainage network can be completed as we have have already completed ,Power Supply has to be got sanctioned and serviced by BESCOM and KPTCL.which is very complex ,cumbersome and time consuming and very expensive .Apart from this they insist on adequate and free provision of land / site and also bear the entire cost of construction, and its commissioning cost which is very high.
• We with other few societies approached and requested all nodal department heads, Concerned Hon'ble Ministers, and the Hon'ble Chief Minister to Restore earlier method of progressive release of sites at 40% ,30 % and 30% .But the Govt further amended the act with initial release of 40% of sites of approved layout plan with a rider of mortgage of all corner sites in favour of planning authority as a precondition Again few of our societies approached the government to relax this condition in respect of Housing Cooperative Societies Having failed to get any relief we approached Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka vide Writ Petition 7312 / 2022 After intensive arguments Hon'ble High Court allowed our IA directing the respondent planning authority to release 40 % of sites in favour of the petitioners as requested in the application without insisting for the mortgage of any of the corner sites in the said 40 % of sites. After taking this issue with BIAAPA, the planing authourtity has released intial 40% of sites in respect of our approved layouts.
• E KHATA in respect of these released sites are also now received. We already intimated such allotoes to pay the balance of site deposit if any and to arrange registration of their site.
• Release of balance 60 % of sites of our approved layouts
• Having completed most of the development works like roads with Asphalting, UGD, Water supply with O/H Tank ,Sewage Treatment Plant. Provision of street light are now nearing completion. We have also obtained Power Supply Sanction. As a precondition we have also paid lease amount of 6 crores to BIAAPA to transfer 2.5 acres of land to BESCOM / KPTCL for establishing Power Station.We have also undertaken to share the construction of Power Station in due course.
• We are taken up with planning authority regarding final release of sites in respect of our approved layouts.
• We are continuously pursuing it.
• Asphalting of all roads of GFG4 & 5 were completed, snapshots of completed Asphalted roads can be viewed in gallery.
• Works of sump, O/H tank and Mega sewage treatment plant for the entire layout (4 & 5) have been completed.
• Registration of sites of G4 in respect of released sites is now going on.
• Site allotees who are yet to pay the balance of site cost are requested to pay early. Unless they clear, it will be difficult to complete the remaining works and seek release of next batch of sites.
GFG 5 Allotment:
• We are happy to inform approved seniority list by the co-op Dept is now received.
• We are also happy to inform Layout plan of GFG5 is now approved.
• We are happy to inform the intial 40% of sites is now received from planning authority. E KHATA of these sites are also received.
• In the meantime, though most of the works in respect of G5 are completed, few remaining works is going on.
• Work of provision of street light is also going on & likely to be completed very soon.
• Final release of balance 60% of sites is also taken up for release.
• As was informed the allotment of site in respect of this layout will be taken up in February 2025. Detail Circular regarding allotment will be posted shortly.
• Procurement, conversion and registration of land in favour of socitey is almost completed.
• Plan in respect of GFG6 is now got approved.
• Layout works are now progressing fast.
• We have also taken up for release of sites in respect of these approved layouts.
• We are also gearing up for allotment in March 2025.
• Massive weeding out of layout and cleaning is now completed.
• We are happy to inform power sanction for Nisarga 2 is now obtained.
• Asphalting of roads is almost completed, Asphalt of remiaining few roads are also taken up now
• Release of remaining last 30% of sites is now taken up.
Woods Regency -2 :
• This is the most delayed project because of various reasons.
• Layout works which were stoped in between is now restarted, All works like UGD, Water Supply, Street Light with Underground cable & Asphalting of roads are now completed
• As was informed the allotment of site in respect of this layout will be taken up from 2nd Sunday Feb 2025, Detail Circular regarding allotment is already posted.
Woods Residency- 2 :
• As was explained in earlier layouts, here also layout works were abruptly stopped.
• Layout works is now restarted, Works are progressing fast & we are trying to complete it very soon.
• As was informed the allotment of site in respect of this layout will be taken up in February 2025.
• Permission letter is expected to be receive early next week. Detail Circular regarding allotment will be posted Soon.
Release of sites GFG 4 & 5
We are happy to inform the Second batch of release of sites in respect of GFG 4 & 5 is now approved from BIAAPA. We have moved for issue of E Khata and we are likely to get them shortly. Registration of sites in favour of Allotee will start by end of July. Detail circular is sent to all the concerned Allotee.
As per Revised guidlines of Government, office will be open from Monday to Saturday - 11:00AM to 7:00PM
If you have any queries pls contact us on mail to us at we will respond to you as quickly as possible.
Please avoid visiting society office in person unless it is necessary.
While visiting society office pls ensure to bring details like Mem No ,project,seniority no,site no etc to facilitate us to serve you better.
Pls ensure wearing of Mask and maintaining social distance of a meter (3 ft) while interacting with staff/Directors of society Pls ensure to sanitise your hands with the Hand sanitiser provided at the reception.
We are happy to inform 1st & 2nd batch of release of sites is now received from BIAAPA in respect of GFG4.
Khatha in favour of socity is also obtained.
Fixation of guidance value for registration is now finalished.
Registration of sites in respect of GFG4 in favour of allotes is now going on.
Most of the lands in respect of all the projects are procured and permission from Government for change of land use are obtained, converted & registered to society. Approval of plan / Modified plan are under process.
Works which have been stoped due to Covid is now restarted and efforts are on to complete them early.
We thank you for your cooperation and support.
Be Safe Be Healthy !
40th Annual General body Virtual Meeting
The 40th Annual General body Virtual Meeting was successfully held on 20.12.2020. 572 members and 772 Associate members registered for the virtual meeting. Meeting was commenced at 10.40 am with almost 600 members joining the webinor. It even touched 980 members at the time of initiating discussion on layouts. A detail report was given with a main emphasis on why the projects are getting delayed. Many participated in the webinor through chat messages.
We all know due to the pandemic we missed the various targets from march 2020 onwards. Hope the 2021 shall bring in better days.
Telecom Housing Society thanks all members for being supportive & cooperative. Wishing all of you the coming season's Greetings, Happy & Healthy 2021.
A detail circular of the proceedings of the AGB is mailed.
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